As regular visitors to Heathfield’s Anglo/French Market on August Bank Holiday Monday will be aware, the event has developed over the years to include six hours of entertainment for various tastes as well as the many stalls there to keep you occupied.  The day is organised by a small committee, for no gain (financial or otherwise), but the money needed to stage the event is raised by the stallholders renting space and the advertisers supporting this very guide that you are reading now.  Householders and businesses also provide electricity for the stage etc. (as well as getting woken up at 6am by the stage being erected!) and we are always most grateful to the Union Church and State Hall (Kings Church) for allowing us the use of their premises for some of the entertainment and facilities.

So, here is a run-down of what you could see here today, from our childrens’ entertainers/magic, through jazz, saxes, a duo, brass bands, choir, zumba, ska & soul to an ABBA tribute, celebrating 50 years since they won the Eurovision Song Contest at Brighton.  And, as always, we are grateful to PPL/PRS for the charitable music licence.  Please note that, due to circumstances beyond our control, times may vary on the day but, remember, it is all free!

Welcoming you from 09.50, on the main stage as you arrive for the 10 o’clock opening of the stalls, will be Warbleton Brass Band with an uplifting array of familiar music to get your feet tapping.  We are lucky to have two brass bands in the Heathfield area, this one being based at Rushlake Green.  Should you be interested in having WBB at an event then their website is warbletonbrassband.org or call Sian on 01273 493469.

Next, at 10.30, the childrens’ entertainment starts in the State Hall.  These are half-hour sessions and Marco the Magician sets the ball rolling.  His website is www.marcosmagic.co.uk or telephone 01435 864124.  Although we call it childrens’ entertainment, it keeps rather bigger kids amused as well!  The Noakes Coffee Shop will also be open and have some tables in the hall so that you can keep an eye on the youngsters as you down whichever variation of coffee you prefer.

10.45 at the main stage will be Heathfield’s Cake & Wine Club Choir.  Run by Angela Brooks, who some of you will have seen fronting Sway Allstars here in the past, has backed all manner of famous acts in her singing career and heads this very popular group for people of all ages and abilities who just like to sing popular uplifting songs for the sheer joy of it.  Ring  07957 405342 for more details.

At 11.00 the jazz fans shuffle along to the relative calm of the Union Church for their annual dose of the Sussex Stompers Jazz Band and some of the regulars love to dance along to them as they play.  If you are interested in this band, or the marching version known as the Expedient Brass Band, then trumpet player Richard Boswell is the man to contact at sussexstompers@btinternet.com or 01825 830219.

At 11.30 our other local band (who meet in the bandroom in Alexandra Road), the Heathfield Silver Band, will keep you jigging along at the main stage (www.heathfieldsilverband.com or telephone 01435 817201), whilst also at 11.30 Andy Bosco will be starting a half-hour of entertainment in the State Hall for the children.  So, that’s more coffee to drink then, it’s a good job there are toilets there too!  Andy Bosco can be contacted on 07754 946762 or by email on strandliner@me.com .

Saxophone quartet Saxonymous will commence playing at 12.00 in the Union Church.  Enjoy some of the refreshments available here as you listen.  Alison Macfadyen is the saxophonist to contact if you would like to book the band, either telephone 07500 116741 or email alison.macfadyen@btinternet.com .

At approximately 12.20 the Sussex Stompers (previously in the Union Church) will play in front of the main stage, whilst at 12.30 Marco the Magician will start his second session of magic etc. in the State Hall.  Time for an eccles cake or a croissant to go with your coffee.

13.00.  Wow, it’s time for Abba’s Angels on the stage.  We usually keep the entertainment here at Le Marché fairly local but this year, to celebrate ABBA’s half century, we have brought this ABBA tribute band all the way up from sunny Wiltshire.  So, whether you’re a Super Trooper, a Dancing Queen, you want Take a Chance on Me (Does Your Mother Know?) or you simply have Angel Eyes, you know The Name of the Game: You have had all the entertainment here free of charge today so, should you have some Money Money Money left in your pockets, please donate some into the charity buckets as you leave as a Thank You for the Music.  If you fancy Abba’s Angels for your wedding or party, their website is www.abbasangels.co.uk or you can call Louise on 07931 350642.

The last session of indoor entertainment for the children in the State Hall will commence at 13.30 with Andy Bosco juggling, losing things under his arms, and many other tricks to keep the kids amused while you enjoy your fourth cup of coffee of the day.  Maybe have a hot chocolate this time instead!

Also at 13.30, those who long to get away from the hubbub of the outdoor environment can enjoy Becky & Terry Dailey in the Union Church.  Known as Twice Dailey, they perform Acoustic Country, Pop, Jazz, Blues and Folk Music from the 1920s to the 2020s.  It’s their first visit to Le Marché and will entertain you whether or not you are also partaking of the lunches and refreshments available in the Union Church.  If you would like to contact them then it’s terry_dailey@me.com or 07973 669802.

Whilst rushing around takes place behind him, in front of the main stage at about 14.20 there will be a short Zumba dance fit fiesta with Barry Randall.  Barry is one of the two professional dancers (the other one being Beata) who regularly perform at the Young at Heart Community Club in Heathfield, a fantastic local organisation that gives the elderly companionship and an interesting life.  If you want to know more about Young at Heart they will have a stand here today, usually near the main stage.  They can also put you in touch with Barry Randall.

Well, yes, they’ve been here before but they are soooo popular!  The Fat Belly Jones Band, complete with their horn section (usually sax., trombone and two trumpets), will have you dancing in the street (main stage) to their ska and soul from 14.40 until the event closes at 16.00.  The old saying goes that the show isn’t over until the fat lady sings but in our case it’s not over until the Fat Bellies play Geno!  Book them for your wedding, party, or whatever by ringing Spencer Page (the bass player) on 07890 487301 or look them up on Facebook.

Finally, we couldn’t put on the show we do without the stage (David Pibworth Stage Hire, 07879 414110) or the PA system (Chris Roche, 07771 995877), both of which are here long before you arrive and after you’ve gone home!